Miss Whiskers
Makeup - Brands
I've got quite a few questions regarding my makeup lately. Mostly about what brands I use but also how I apply it (and thinking of it, I actually promised to show you some time ago.. soo, that's coming up). But back to the brands. It's really quit simple, I use MAC cosmetics and Sugarpill for almost everything. The only other thing is IsaDora liquid eyeliner (the best) and some white pressed powder from stargazer to mix with my basic powder, since even the lightest colour from MAC is a tad too dark for my skin.
Oh and I also use some weird pen for my brows atm, the lable's worn though so don't know what brand it is. I took it from my mum when my regular MAC pencil disappeared, hehe.
And when it comes to Lashed I actually don't have a favourite. I have a bunch of different brands but the key word is.. long! I Have a some from sugarpill, some from Stargazer and a lot of small brands lying around at home. It's fun to try different ones.
Well, here are my personal favs when it comes to makeup, enjoy!
Face of Today
The Rainbow-Parade
I söndags var det finaldag för HBTQ-festivalen (Homo, Bi, Trans, Queer) i Göteborg och som sig bör hölls den årliga Regnbågsparaden! Jag älskar de här tillställningarna. Det är verkligen bara ren glädje och kärlek! I år marcherade runt 10.000 människor och självklart var jag en av dem. Fick även med mig vackra Isabelle, som jag även snott en del kommande bilder från, och givetvis var även Bianca med. Är så otroligt stolt över mitt lilla knippe. Hon pinnade på utan att bry sig nämnvärt om alla människor, kameror, trummor och den höga musiken. Mattehjärtat bubblar av stolthet!
Last sunday was the big finale for Gothenburg HBTQ-Festival (Homo, Bi, Trans, Queer) and to celebrate the big Rainbow-parade marched through town. I really love these things, it's just fillled with pure love and happiness! This year nearly 10.000 people took part in the parade, and of course I was one of them. I also brought my beautiful friend Isabelle and ofc Bianca as well. And gosh, I'm sooo prouud over my dog! She walked along without even caring for the loud music, drums, people and cameras. She's such a good dog!
And if you want to see more pics from the actual parade here's a great link:
Some pretty friends
I marched under Freak Societys Banner this year, along with some great ppl!
It's been a quiet couple of days here, but I have my reasons. I've been working on my mothers farm for a few days since she went on holiday. And there's a lot to do when you have the whole responsibility for both house and animals. I spent most of my time on these cute, fluffy chicks. They need a lot of extra attention since they're still to small to let in to the big chickens at this time. Iih, so cute! But now I'm back home, and looking forward to the HTBQ-fetival here in Gothenburg on sunday.
Vill även passa på att göra lite reklam åt en vän som skapar serier.
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