My Princess

The best of the best!
The Zone
I fredags var det dags för synthklubb: The Zone, tillsammans med finaste Jenni.
Väldigt awesome! Massor av underbara människor, gamla vänner, nya vänner och en hel del dansande.
Precis som det ska vara!
So last friday I went to The Zone, an underground electro club, together with lovely Jenni. It was totally awesome! Loads of amazing people, old friends, new friends and tons af dancing. Just as it should be!

Väldigt awesome! Massor av underbara människor, gamla vänner, nya vänner och en hel del dansande.
Precis som det ska vara!
So last friday I went to The Zone, an underground electro club, together with lovely Jenni. It was totally awesome! Loads of amazing people, old friends, new friends and tons af dancing. Just as it should be!

Busy Busy Busy
Länge sedan sist, men oj jag har verkligen haft fullt upp hela tiden! Sedan jag kom hem från pappa så har jag inte haft en enda dag utan något inplanerat och just nu ser den trenden ut att fortsätta en bra bit in i mars. Jaja, det är i princip bara massa roligt inplanerat så jag klagar inte! Wih!
Long time no see, but I've been really busy lately. Not a single day since I got home from my father have passed without something planned, and it seems like this is going to continue a bit into march as well. But I'm not complaining, it's mainly funny things planned. Wih!

En bild från när mitt Cissigull sov över tidigare i veckan. Lika barn leka bäst.. eller hur var det nu? DErP!
A pic from earlier this week when my friend Cissi stayed the night. Birds of feather flock together, hehe. DErP!
Long time no see, but I've been really busy lately. Not a single day since I got home from my father have passed without something planned, and it seems like this is going to continue a bit into march as well. But I'm not complaining, it's mainly funny things planned. Wih!

En bild från när mitt Cissigull sov över tidigare i veckan. Lika barn leka bäst.. eller hur var det nu? DErP!
A pic from earlier this week when my friend Cissi stayed the night. Birds of feather flock together, hehe. DErP!
Lite smått kaos i mitt liv just nu så har flytt ut till världens bästa pappa för att få lite lugn.
Pappa är verkligen underbar, utan hans stöd i livet hade jag inte varit någonting ♥

Me and Dad in London
It's a bit chaotic in my life atm, so I'm visiting my Dad for a few days to get some peace and quiet.
Dad truly is the best! Without his support in life I would have perished a long tima ago.
Pappa är verkligen underbar, utan hans stöd i livet hade jag inte varit någonting ♥

Me and Dad in London
It's a bit chaotic in my life atm, so I'm visiting my Dad for a few days to get some peace and quiet.
Dad truly is the best! Without his support in life I would have perished a long tima ago.
Imorgon är det Alla Hjärtans Dag. Jag älskar smått meningslösa högtider, speciellt om de ofta involverar choklad och blommor, men i år har jag ingen aning om vad jag ska göra. Tror inte ens att det kommer blommor till dörren.
Såatte... Någon som vill moffa gottis och glo på film hela dagen med mig?
It's Valentine's tomorrow and to be honest, I love these unnecessary holidays, especially if they involve chocolates and flowers. But this year I haven't got a clue what to do. I don't even think there will be flowers at the door.
Sooo, anyone out there wanna come over and eat candy and watch movies all day with me?
Såatte... Någon som vill moffa gottis och glo på film hela dagen med mig?
It's Valentine's tomorrow and to be honest, I love these unnecessary holidays, especially if they involve chocolates and flowers. But this year I haven't got a clue what to do. I don't even think there will be flowers at the door.
Sooo, anyone out there wanna come over and eat candy and watch movies all day with me?
This Is Me


Hemma igen efter min något spontana tripp till Pojken då saker behövde fixas. Rätt skönt att vara tillbaka dock, hem ljuva hem! Dessutom låg det två avin plus ett paket i posten. Avina får vänta tills imorgon, men i paketet låg epic stuff som jag ska visa lite senare. Men nu är det dags för lite Zelda! ♥
Home again after my somewhat spontaneous trip to my Boy. Good to be back though, home sweet home! And as a bonus there was two advices of delivery in the letterbox, plus a package with totally awesome stuff inside! But I'll show you later, now it's Zelda-time! ♥