BRB, Going to Ireland!
This will be epic!

The Circus is coming to Town III

Photo: Pontus Fagerstedt - www.fotofagerstedt.com
MUA: Annelie Nilsson - SevenofheartsMakeupAssistance - Roine Lundström
The Circus is coming to Town II
One more...

Photo: Pontus Fagerstedt - www.fotofagerstedt.com
MUA: Annelie Nilsson - SevenofheartsMakeup
Assistance - Roine Lundström
The Circus is coming to Town
Here are the first pics from my latest work with Fagerstedt!
Must say that I'm very pleased with the result! And stay tuned, there will be more!

Photo: Pontus Fagerstedt - www.fotofagerstedt.com
MUA: Annelie Nilsson - SevenofheartsMakeup
Assistance - Roine Lundström
Gamer Medal
Gosh... Just gosh!
I'm not used to getting presents for no reason, and especially not totally awesome presents that I've been drooling over for a long time. And even better, I got it from a really cute guy.
Thank you ♥

Another Pretty Title
Home again after watching mums house for a few days. Been very relaxing to be honest, spent most of my time in her bathtub jacuzzi to cure my cold. And I think it might have worked. Feeling much better now.
Even got some money for taking care of the house, so I've done some awesome internet-shopping as well. Like this lovely dress, hope it arrives before my trip to Ireland!

Just some really cute pictures of bats ♥

On my way!
Early morning, at least for me. Getting ready to visit mum for a few days, well, more precisely her house. I'll be housesitting for about a week. Not the most fun thing there is, but at least I'll have plenty of time to run with
"zombies, run!" and study. So I'll live. At least I hope that I'll be able to run, woke up with a terrible cold, I sound like an old crow and I think my brain is trying to escape through my nose.. Tasty... NOT!

Waiting for the bus, blueberry style!
Photoshoot - Kawaii

Today it's time to work for Kawaii Design again. So I'm looking forward to a day filled with cute stuff, laughter and awesome people.
Fun Friday

Yeah, best friday in a looong time... NOT! I've been stuck doing laundry all night! I've been away so much lately so the small heap of dirty clothes turned into a mount everest sized mountain. Been running up and down to the washer like crazy. And finally all done, but now I'm too tired to do anything else. Ah well, at least my wardrobes are bursting with clean clothes once again.
Trying to puzzle together a Military, freakshow-suitable outfit. Great fun actually. Think it will look great in the end. Going to be quite expensive, but sometimes you need to treat yourself so a little something. ❤


Monday and tuesday were both spent at Pistolero, a tattoo parlour. Monday for me to consult and book an appointment for my next piece, since they only accept bookings the first monday of every month, and tuseday as mental support for my lovely friend. She needed to do a remake/coverup of an old dragonfly on her back. Malena, the artist, did some amazing work as usual and turned the boring dragonfly into a piece of art.
Yay! And now I can't wait until it's my turn to go under the needle again.. Stupid waiting list. Almost six months. DOH!
Electronic Summer Part-2

Saturday morning was... Not as much fun. Hangover deluxe. Such a long time since I felt that bad, but hey, only myself to blame.. And it was worth it! Got ready somehow and after a few hours chilling in the sun it was time to return to the festival for one of the absolute highlights.

*Fangirl-Scream of epic proportions*

Time for Spetsnaz. Tanzen tanzen tanzen!

And then both Mesh and Digidroid, more dancing!
But after that I kinda forgot about my camera. Just had too much fun.
Thank you all for a wonderful festival!
Electronic Summer Part-1

I've had a blast this weekend. Just pure happiness, really needed this!
So many wonderful people, so much good music and gosh.. dancing, dancing, dancing! And since it was a Depeche Mode-party the whole premises was pretty much covered in awesome DM-stuff. I felt right at home.

Depeche Mode-themed drinks and cute retards that kept me company ♥! Oh and the strangelove drink was seriously heavenly! Yum yum.


Universal Poplab. Gosh so good. Their music just makes me happy. And in the middle of it all Christer from the band decided he wanted to be a part of the audience, epic stuff! A bit of a chock to see him though, I'm used to him looking like this:

Final Live-band for the day, De/Vision. Danced like crazy!
I've got so many videos from the festival as well, I'll probably make some kind of collected clip when i get the time.

Oh, and i found this handsome guy on the dancefloor! Pardon my very drunk eyes and weird hand of derpness, pretty much the only picture of me from the first day. Haha. Lovely!