Adopt A Bat

So I finally got the papers. I'm now an official sponsor of Bat World Sanctuary, and a cute little creature named Lil Drac. He's a short tailed fruit bat and just adorable! I'm so happy for this and as soon as i have the money I will adopt another bat as well. Bats are so important in this world, and some of the cutest creatures alive! I just don't understand how so many can find them creepy or disgusting.

Iiih, just look at him! So cute ♥

Some of the stuff I recived with the adoption papers. Info on Lil Drac and the fruit bat species. A framed picture of him, some info pamplets on how to handle bats and Batworlds own magazine.
Postat av: Miss Anthropia
Ihhh! How cute <3
Where do you adopt the bats and how much is it???
Postat av: carruuu
OMG im in love :D Så jävla söt!!!! Vill bara sitta o gosa med den <3 <3 <3
Postat av: Mia
Åh så söt!
Vi har en fladdermusholk i stugan i hopp om att det en dag ska flytta in fladdermöss där, än så länge ingen i sikte :(
Postat av: Elin
Nämen åh, vad söt! Vet inte hur många "awww" jag utbrast i när jag tittade på videon. ^^
Postat av: Becc
Blev just kär. Åååh!