Day 3

Perfect day in every way! Sunny, warm and just lovely.
But due to the late night before we decided to start off quiet, so we headed to the National History Museum located in Slottsskogen. There we enjoyed thousands of preserved animals, birds, fish and ofc, the giant whale skeleton.
Hehe, my favourite part! Bats, bats, bats!
And then.. LISEBERG. Finally, and the weather could not have been better. AND, and, and, and.. for some years now I have been looking at this huge lion prize for a basketball game, but I was never able to win it since i throw like a girl (hehe). I've also made every single one I've brough to Liseberg try out for it, but no.. Apperantly you need an Irishman to get the job done. He won me the lion on the first throw. That's how you make a girl happy! Now I have a huge pink lion in my bed ❤
I think Liseberg might be one of my favourite places ever. I always turm into a five year old girl there, and I just can't stop smiling. Podge were a bit scared of everything at first, but after some nagging and dragging I got him on all the fun and wild rides, and ya know what, he loved it! He even dared to go on AtmosFear.
Wihoo! And yes after a few rides my hair looks like crap, but who cares.
I really love this picture, so much happiness in it!

Day 2

We were supposed to go to Liseberg this day, but since the weather didn't agree with us we changed our plans to UNIVERSEUM! I love that place, filled with animals, fish and interesting stuff to poke. We also had time to walk through the Botanical Gardens. So Beautiful!
I love being in the tropical part of Universeum, but gosh, I would never survive in a real tropical climat. After 30 min inside the jungle I'm pretty much ready to die. So warm and damp! But we were really lycky with the animals, since they run free in inside the jungle area it can be hard to see them, but this time every creature pretty much posed for the camera!
 Happy girl and concentrated Podge
Oh, we checked out the Dino-exhibition as well. It was great fun!
And after the pre-historic trip we headed out to space for some more exploring.
Later that evening it was time to show Podge some of the nightlife of Gothenburg. We started by going to my friend Cissis place for some pre-party fun. And after that we headed out to Power Up @ Lust. A retro game club. Had some drinks, played some street fighter and danced like crazy!
HAHAHAHA, oh gosh!

We had a lovely time, and after some more dancing (explains my sweaty red face) Podge and I took a long walk through the city before heading back to Cissis place for some TV and sleep.

Day 1

The first day did not get off to a good start, I overslept!!
I missed my bus and ended up being almost two hours late. Thank God the plane was late as well, so after a light heart-attack from my side I finally got to hug my handsome Irish friend. We didn't do much the first day though, walked through the city and I did my best not to get lost. Peeked into a church and browsed trough funny stores. We also had lunch at Haga. YUM! My first day of breaking my diet. It was lovely to enjoy a chocolate cheescake with raspberry sauce I tell ya!
And after that.. well.. We enjoyed a quiet night at my place, Rented some movies, bought candy and I watched him cook for me. Spoiled? Yes! And how did I thank him, well, I took a sneak picture of him sleeping on my couch! MOHAHAHA! Btw, falling asleep watching Dexter is awesome!

Still Alive

It's been very quit here for a few days now, but it's hard to spend time by the computer when you have a dear friend over for a visit. I've had such a great time, and I hope Podge did as well. I'll post pictures later, until then here's one taken outside POWER UP @ Lust the night we went out clubbing.


My Fiance sent me a bouquet of beautiful flowers.
I frekkin love flowers! ♥

Visit From Abroad

Life is a bit topsy turvy at the moment, not the best but hey, I'm alive!
And in a few days I will meet up my friend from Ireland at the airport and welcome him to Sweden for a few days. It will be sooo fun, gosh really looking forward to that! I'm going show him all the best parts of my beloved city, like the amusment park Liseberg, Slottsskogen, Haga.. And Universeum! WOH! I will probably also drag him out to Varberg, just because it's such a lovely place during summer. Yayness!
And here's a pic of him (Now that's a very tired Irishman) from when we had breakfast In Covent Garden, London.


Home, home, sweet, lovely, heavenly home.. Ooh Happiness!
And one of the best parts of coming home after some time away is all the fun mail, including five packages and a dog magazine, LOVELY! And best of all, my parcal from Odiumclothing finally arrived. They made a mistake and sent me the wrong one before I left for Örebro, so they gave me a gift as compensation. A beautiful necklace, so I'm really pleased. Yay! Oh and sorry for the really crappy Cam-pic...

Last Night

Last day at mums place, last day in their guest-bed, last day of waking up early for work.. Tomorrow I'll be going HOME! Oh it will be pure heaven to sleep in my own bed again ♥  I've been so homesick it's mad! But at least I'm returning with a pocket full of money. Wooh!
And since I'm missing dad like crazy as well, here's a cute picture of us in London.

A Pretty Title

Yay, internet! Mum went away for a few days, and she took my portable internet-thingie with her, but now she's back, and so am I. On the interwebz that is. I've been working like crazy the last few days, not only with my summer job at the bar, but since mum left I had to take care of the farm as well. Work work work. So I'm really looking forward to this weekend, then there will be Batman, candy and.. sleep. And after that I'm returning to my home sweet home ♥
Hehe, took this pic before mum left. Her husband has this vintage Thunderbird and well... Let's just say that next time I'm riding in that thing I'm tying my hair in a tight knot before going anywhere.
(Oh and feel free to laugh, I did...)


I feel like the most boring person alive at this moment.
Work, sleep, food, training, sleep. Work, sleep, food, training, sleep. Work, sleep, food, training, sleep.
Work makes me so tired, so I usually fall asleep as soon as I get home, and when I wake up again there's just time for dinner and my exercise before it's time to sleep again. Work makes me boring, simple as that!
Well, at least I'm not gonna work more then a couple of hours tomorrow, and then I'm going out. I promised to entertain at some party for my mums husbands poker-friends, so free food and drinks, which is great cause tomorrow is my day off when it comes to diet and exercise. I'm always allowing myself one day a week without counting calories, carbs, protein and fats. But other then that I'm actually quite good at sticking to my program. Go me!
Oh yeah, totally forgot, yesterday I got a call about an upcoming photoshoot! It's been some time since I last stood infront of a camera like that, so I'm really looking forward to it!
I'll be working with the same photographer that took my header photos and also this one. Really enjoy working with him, so this is going to be fun, fun, fun!
Photo: Pontus Fagerstedt (
MUA: Åsa Rindbäck

My Job

Welcome to my summer-job. This is IVY Bar & Grill in Örebro.
It's actually pretty ok to work here. It's cozy, both inside the actual bar and the outdoor-restaurant . The food is good and the pay is pretty okay. So yeah, can't complain too much, the only thing I would change is the hideous clothing, and the rules about piercings, hehe. (And yeah, I miss home as well)
The best thing about work is actually when I get to be alone indoors. Like when it's my turn o clean or just set up the bar, then I can blast my own music as loud as I want. Today Depeche Mode made the floors vibrate while I was sorting Vodka bottles and polishing beer-taps ♥


I'm such a happy girl right now. My good friend from Ireland texted me that he just sent a package with starburst to me! I frekkin love starburst! I was complaining to him just a few days ago that they don't sell them in Sweden, so he went out and bought some for me. Can't wait until they are here. Yum Yum Yum!
Cheers Podge!

I Miss Home

I've been away for about a week now, and already I miss home. I miss my beautiful Gothenburg. It sucks having to spend a whole summer month in the middle of Sweden, in a town I don't even like. But work is work, and money is money. Yeah sure, I have everything I need to survive, but still... Home ♥
Gothenburg is simply the best place to be during summer in Sweden.. Well any time of the year really, but especially summer!


Just a lovely picture. No idea where it comes from though, so if ya know just give me a shout!


Hehe, no makeup!
My last entry woke up some questions about piercings, so I thought that I would explain a few things.
The rules about piercings comes from The National Food Administration (Livsmedelsverket). I'm still not sure about how it's unhygenic to have a nose-piercing but I do know that earings are forbidden so that they dont fall in the food and stuff like that, Most places do allowe two earring but only with a special fastener, and some also allow a plain wedding band as jewellery.
The other main question was about what I do with my piercings so that they don't close up. Well, I'm using a so called retainer instead. That way the hole remains intact and no one complains. On the pic I'm wearing the horsesho-shaped piece down, but at work I flip it up and then It's not visible at all! And as soon as I get home I just pop my ring back in together with the other stuff that makes me feel like myself.


Last day of freedom or something, Tomorrow it's time for work. Not too happy about that, but hey. Money's always good, right?  I'll be waitrissing again, it's an alright job I guess, but I hate removing my piercings and rings every day. Stupid rules about food and hygien. I just fail to see what my septum would do to the food. Ah well.. Money.
Last time I worked as a waitress I looked like this, not my choise though. At least I don't have to wear that pink thing again.. ever! Gosh I look so naked without my nose-ring.. and fringe.. and makeup, haha!

Animals ♥

Lovely day at dad's place, filled with animal-cuddles and good food.
Now It's time to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show. YAY!

Miss Whiskers

Let me introduce Miss Whiskers. Ironic I know since her whiskers are long gone. But hey, she's pretty nonetheless. She's an eight month old cat that unfortunally died (by natural causes) But since dead animals need love too she now has a new home in my bookcase.  ♥


My midsummer look. Nothing too fancy, not even any powder so all my summer freckles are showing! Oh and while watching the Maypole this old woman (70 something) came up to me and wanted to give me a hug cause she thought I was so cute. How sweet is that. I love old ladies!
 (And yeah, time to re-dye my hair)
So today Swedes everywhere celebrates midsummer. A really old Pagan tradition that's both weird and... well... weird! It's the second largest holiday right after christmas here in Sweden. So what is midsummer then? Basicly you raise this huge Maypole (see pics below) wich symbolises a big penis to beg the Gods to fertilize the earth or something. Then you dance around it singing really silly, childish songs and doing crazy dances (Oh, did I tell you midsummer's weird) dressed in either old fashion garments or your prettiest summer dress. And if you want to do it the right way you need to have a flower crown as well.
Unfortunately it's also one of the most alcohol infused holidays, wich means violence, rape and a lot of drunk driving. So yeah, not only fun and sillyness.
Hihi, Bianca got so tired from all the commotion that she cuddled up in the picnic basket and fell asleep.
Oh gosh, I love that dog ♥
Yummies! Cherry Wine and cupcakes! The frosting melted in the sun (sad face) but still very tasty!
I also picked a large bouquet of swedish wild-flowers as decoration. Lovely!
So Happy Midsummer to all of you, or as we say in Sweden: Glad Midsommar!


Relaxing evening. Good music, great company and... really sore legs from all my zombie running.

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